allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'ca.tweetzy:funds:-SNAPSHOT'
You can access the API from FundsAPI class.
public interface FundAPI {
* Used to create a new {@link Account}
* @param account is the {@link Account} to be created
* @param consumer returns true if the account was created, along with the created account
void createAccount(@NonNull final Account account, final BiConsumer<Boolean, Account> consumer);
* Used to update multiple {@link Account}s
* @param accounts is a list of all {@link Account}s to be updated
* @param consumer returns true if <b>ALL</b> updates were updated
void updateAccounts(@NonNull final List<Account> accounts, final Consumer<Boolean> consumer);
* Add an {@link Account} to the account storage list
* @param account is the {@link Account} being added;
void addAccount(@NonNull final Account account);
* Remove an {@link Account} from the account storage list
* @param uuid is the {@link Account} uuid being removed;
void removeAccount(@NonNull final UUID uuid);
* Get a player {@link Account} by their name
* <b>
* Please don't use this, use {@link #getAccount(OfflinePlayer)} or {@link #getAccount(UUID)}
* </b>
* <p>
* It's already ran async if you need to use it for whatever reason.
* @param name is the name of the player
* @return the found {@link Account} or null
Account getAccount(@NonNull final String name);
* Get the player {@link Account} by the player instance
* @param player is the {@link Player} being searched
* @return the found {@link Account} or null
Account getAccount(@NonNull final OfflinePlayer player);
* Get the player {@link Account} by the player {@link UUID}
* @param id is the {@link Player#getUniqueId()} of the user
* @return the found {@link Account} or null
Account getAccount(@NonNull final UUID id);
* Get an unmodifiable list of all loaded
* player {@link Account}s
* @return a list of {@link Account}s
List<Account> getAccounts();
* Used to reset all the known player {@link Account}s
* back to the starting {@link Currency} balances
* <p>
* This is run asynchronously
void resetPlayerAccountsBalances();
* Used to add a currency to the storage list
* @param currency is the {@link Currency} being added
void addCurrency(@NonNull final Currency currency);
* Used to remove a currency for the storage list
* @param currency is the {@link Currency} being removed
void removeCurrency(@NonNull final Currency currency);
* Used to remove a currency for the storage list by id
* @param id is the {@link Currency} id
void removeCurrency(@NonNull final String id);
* Used to get a currency by its id
* @param id is the id of the currency {@link Currency}
* @return the found {@link Currency} or null
Currency getCurrency(@NonNull final String id);
* Used to set the currency that plugin should use
* as the vault currency
* @param currency is {@link Currency} to be used as the vault/default
void setVaultCurrency(@NonNull final Currency currency);
* Gets the vault currency or the first found
* currency within the storage list
* @return {@link Currency}, can be null if no currencies are made
Currency getVaultOrFirst();
* Used to create a new currency, this will automatically call {@link #addCurrency}
* @param currency is the {@link Currency} to be created
* @param consumer returns true if the currency was created, also returns the created {@link Currency}
void createCurrency(@NonNull final Currency currency, final BiConsumer<Boolean, Currency> consumer);
* Used to delete an existing currency, this will automatically call {@link #removeCurrency}
* @param id is the {@link Currency} id to be deleted
* @param wasDeleted returns true if the currency was deleted
void deleteCurrency(@NonNull final String id, final Consumer<Boolean> wasDeleted);
* Get an unmodifiable list of known currencies
* @return an unmodifiable list of {@link Currency}
List<Currency> getCurrencies();
* Get the default starting balance for every known currency
* @return the starting balance for each {@link Currency}
HashMap<Currency, Double> getDefaultValueMap();