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Eleventy 4.0.0

No due date 16% complete
Swap to use Node’s fs.cp instead of recursive-copy breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility. enhancement housekeeping
#3360 opened Jul 11, 2024 by zachleat
Change filter front matter key to filterOut for v2.x breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility. enhancement
#2522 opened Aug 8, 2022 by Zearin
Remove --to=ndjson feature breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility. needs-discussion Please leave your opinion! This request is open for feedback from devs. on-hold
#3382 opened Jul 25, 2024 by zachleat
Files in addPassthroughCopy with glob not ignored with .eleventyignore breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility. bug feature: 🪞 ignores Ignores, via configuration API or .eleventyignore or .gitignore etc feature: 🗄 passthrough copy Related to the passthrough file copy feature
#1134 opened Apr 29, 2020 by nhoizey
Change jsTruthy Liquid default option to true breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility. needs-discussion Please leave your opinion! This request is open for feedback from devs.
#3507 opened Oct 24, 2024 by zachleat
rename from add to setMarkdownHighlighter breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility.
#3118 opened Dec 4, 2023 by VasileDurlesteanu Loading…
Rename or remove addMarkdownHighlighter breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility. enhancement feature: 🥸 API consistency good first issue
#3105 opened Nov 14, 2023 by Snapstromegon
Throw error when virtual template format is invalid breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility. needs-discussion Please leave your opinion! This request is open for feedback from devs. on-hold
#3509 opened Oct 25, 2024 by dave-kennedy Loading…
JavaScript 11ty.js templates support returning a buffer (sync render) breaking-change This will have to be included with a major version as it breaks backwards compatibility. bug
#3629 opened Jan 22, 2025 by monochromer