This maze solver is built using Python and Tkinter. It draws a randomized maze and then solves it based on the implemented algorithms. Try a live demo here.
class Maze {
+int x1
+int y1
+int numRows
+int numCols
+int cellSizeX
+int cellSizeY
+Window window
+boolean process
+Array cells
+Array start
+Array end
+String savedCanvas
class MazeWindow {
+int width
+int height
+String background
+Canvas canvas
+CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx
+boolean isRunning
+boolean autoSolve
+boolean mazeProcessing
+int padding
+int numCols
+int numRows
+int cellWidth
+int cellHeight
+Maze maze
class Point {
+int x
+int y
+constructor(x, y)
class Line {
+Point start
+Point end
+constructor(start, end)
+draw(ctx, fillColor, lineWidth)
class Cell {
+int _x1
+int _y1
+int _x2
+int _y2
+boolean hasLeftWall
+boolean hasRightWall
+boolean hasTopWall
+boolean hasBottomWall
+Canvas canvas
+CanvasRenderingContext2D ctx
+boolean visited
+constructor(topLeft, bottomRight, canvas)
+drawMove(toCell, undo)
+min(a, b)
+drawEmoji(emoji, fontSize)
MazeWindow --> Maze: contains
Cell --> Line: uses
Cell --> Point: uses