Releases: 01-edu/public
Releases Β· 01-edu/public
v24.20.0-2024.09.25 π
CON-3174 fix go-reloaded
CON-3181 change dpxai to AI.GO in public
CON-3132 Remake the inspector-image project
CON-3139 Game dev introduction project
What's Changed
- CON-3174 Fix
example by @MSilva95 in #2726 - CON-3132 Remake the
project (part1) by @zamazzal in #2708 - CON-3139 Game-dev introduction project by @EldritchGriffin in #2725
- CON-3181: Change the name of dpxai to
by @MSilva95 in #2736
Full Changelog: v24.19.0-2024.09.12...v24.20.0-2024.09.25
v24.19.0-2024.09.12 π
CON-3162 Fixing-section-format-in-subject
CON-2609 `pipeline` - fix datafile data info and example do not match
CON-2931 Resolve missing assets for `stealth-boom` project
CON-3133 Fixing ``Emotions detector`` project.
CON-2956 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest02-Ex00
CON-2957 Tests-DPxAI-Quest02-Ex00
CON-2961 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest02-first-hello
CON-2962 Tests-DPxAI-Quest02-Ex01
CON-3006 Markdown-Quest01-Ex02
CON-3007 Test-Quest01-Ex02
CON-3027 Tests-DPxAI-Quest01-declare-everything
CON-3030 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-Star-Forge
CON-3043 Migration to add the java piscine and projects
CON-3044 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-objects-around
CON-3045 Test-DPxAI-Quest01-objects-around
CON-3052 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-transform-objects
CON-3053 Tests-DPxAI-Quest01-transform-objects
CON-3056 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-listed
CON-3057 Test-DPxAI-Quest01-listed
CON-3063 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-good-recipe
CON-3064 Test-DPxAI-Quest01-good-recipe
CON-3066 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-only-if
CON-3067 Test-DPxAI-Quest01-only-if
CON-3074 Tests-DPxAI-Quest01-star-forge
CON-3076 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-first-function
CON-3077 Test-DPxAI-Quest01-first-function
CON-3081 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-I-win-arguments
CON-3083 Tests-DPxAI-Quest01-I-win-arguments
CON-3098 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest02-colorful-arms
CON-3100 Test-DPxAI-Quest02-colorful-arms
CON-3105 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest02-colorful-legs
CON-3107 Tests-DPxAI-Quest02-colorful-legs
CON-3109 Markdown-DPxAI-Subject-Quest03-robots-harmony
CON-3110 Markdown-DPxaI-Audit-Quest03-robots-harmony
CON-3128 Markdown-AI-kaggle-titanic
CON-3131 Markdown-the-smooth-operator
CON-3136 Markdown-subject-ai-sp500
CON-3161 Fix tests glance on power
What's Changed
- CON-3030 Subject for
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2665 - CON-3081 Markdown
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2688 - CON-3076: Markdown
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2687 - CON-3066 Markdown DPxAI:
Quest01/only if
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2684 - CON-3063 Markdown for
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2678 - CON-3044 Markdown DPxAI:
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2675 - CON-3027 Tests(DPxAI): Add test for Quest01 declare-everything by @lotoussa in #2670
- CON-3011 Tests(DPxAI): Add test for Quest01 the-smooth-operator by @lotoussa in #2671
- CON-3007 Tests(DPxAI): Add test for Quest01 play-with-variables by @lotoussa in #2672
- CON-3045 Tests(DPxAI): Upload test for quest01 objects-around by @lotoussa in #2679
- CON-3053 Tests(DPxAI): Upload test for quest01 transform-objects by @lotoussa in #2680
- CON-3057 Tests(DPxAI): Upload test for quest01 listed by @lotoussa in #2681
- CON-3064 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest01 good-recipe by @lotoussa in #2682
- CON-3067 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest01 only-if by @lotoussa in #2685
- CON-3074 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest01 star-forge by @lotoussa in #2686
- CON-3100 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest02 colorful-arms by @lotoussa in #2699
- CON-3077 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest01 first-function by @lotoussa in #2689
- CON-3083 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest01 i-win-arguments by @lotoussa in #2690
- CON-2957 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest02 first-wink by @lotoussa in #2693
- CON-3107 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest02 colorful-legs by @lotoussa in #2700
- CON-2962 Tests(DPxAI): upload test for quest02 first-hello by @lotoussa in #2695
- CON-3056 Add subject for
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2677 - CON-3052 Markdown DPxAI:
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2676 - CON-2956 Markdown DPxAI
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2692 - Subject for
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2706 - CON-2961 Markdown DPxAI
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2694 - CON-3105 Markdown DPxAI
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2698 - CON-3098 Markdown DPxAI
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2697 - CON-3109 Add subject for
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2703 - CON-3110 Add audit file
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2709 - CON-3128 Fixing subject
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2704 - CON-3161 Fix tests issue for `DP/glance on power" by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2712
- Chore(deps): Bump flask-cors from 4.0.1 to 5.0.0 in /subjects/mobile-dev/stock-market/resources/mock-stock-data-server by @dependabot in #2716
- CON-3006 subject for
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2713 - CON-3162 Fixing AI Powered Learning section format by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2715
- CON-2931 Resolve missing assets for
project by @EldritchGriffin in #2705 - CON-2609
: Fix datafile data info and example do not match by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2701 - CON-3133 Fix
AI/emotions detector
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2710 - CON-3136 Fix
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2711
New Contributors
- @EldritchGriffin made their first contribution in #2705
Full Changelog: v24.18.0-2024.08.27...v24.19.0-2024.09.12
v24.18.0-2024.08.27 π
CON-3118 Fix-star-forge-DPxAI
CON-3040 Create OSINT-Master project
CON-3103 Create Pentest-kit project
CON-3026 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest01-declare-everything
What's Changed
- CON-3040 Create
project by @zamazzal in #2674 - CON-3103 feat: cybersecurity/pentest-kit project by @zamazzal in #2696
- CON-3026: Add subject for
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2664 - CON-3118 Fix
subject by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2702
Full Changelog: v24.17.0-2024.08.13...v24.18.0-2024.08.27
v24.17.0-2024.08.13 π
CON-2916 Java Checkpoint 2 Refs
CON-3039 add missing main to itoabase
CON-3072 fix naming unconsistency
What's Changed
- CON-3039 Adding missing main file for the code editor by @MSilva95 in #2673
- CON-3072 Fix naming inconsistency by @zanninso in #2683
Full Changelog: v24.16.0-2024.07.31...v24.17.0-2024.08.13
v24.16.0-2024.07.31 π
CON-2982 Fix subject rendering for `has-city` exercise
CON-2708 Markdown: Time Tracker Exercise
CON-2710 Markdown: Todo List Exercise
CON-2721 Markdown: Date Formater Exercise
CON-2875 Markdown: Monthly Period
CON-2884 Markdown: Config Protector Exercise
CON-2887 Markdown: Singleton Blueprint Exercise
CON-2890 Markdown: Factory Blueprint Exercise
CON-2893 Markdown: Builder Blueprint Exercise
CON-2905 Markdown: Valid Sudoku Exercise
CON-2948 Markdown-DPXAI-Quest00-Ex01
CON-2950 Markdown DPxAI: Quest00/Ex02
CON-2951 Tests-DPxAI-Quest00-Ex02
CON-2965 Markdown-DPxAI-Quest00-Ex03
CON-2966 Tests-DPxAI-Quest00-Ex03
CON-2984 Test-Markdown-DPxAI-Quest00-Ex04
CON-2986 Test-Markdown-DPxAI-Quest00-Ex05
CON-2989 Markdown-Test-DPxAI-Quest00/Ex06
CON-3015 Update output of example main in `printifnot` and `printif`
CON-3016 Update subject hiddenp
CON-3018 Fix the readme of the `rgb_match` exercise
CON-3020 Update `sudoku` audit
CON-3033 Update `printif` subject to match tests
CON-3036 fix lastword test
What's Changed
- CON-2721 Markdown date formatter exercise by @zanninso in #2598
- CON-2890 Markdown Factory Blueprint Exercise by @zanninso in #2640
- CON-2893 Markdown Builder Blueprint Exercise by @zanninso in #2628
- CON-2875 Markdown Monthly Period by @zanninso in #2621
- CON-2887 Markdown Singleton Blueprint Exercise by @zanninso in #2626
- CON-2905 Markdown Valid Sudoku Exercise by @zanninso in #2631
- CON-2710 Markdown Todo List Exercise by @zanninso in #2577
- CON-2982 Fix subject rendering for
exercise by @nprimo in #2651 - CON-2708 Markdown Time Tracker Exercise by @zanninso in #2576
- CON-2884 Markdown Config Protector Exercise by @zanninso in #2625
- CON-2948 Markdown
DPXAI: Quest00-Ex01
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2645 - CON-2951 Tests
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2647 - CON-2950 Markdown
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2646 - CON-2965 Markdown
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2648 - CON-2966 Tests
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2649 - CON-2984 Test-Markdown
DPxAI: Quest00/Ex04
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2652 - CON-3015 Update
examples to be coherent with subject by @nprimo in #2659 - CON-3016 Fix subject of
by @MSilva95 in #2660 - CON-3018 Fix subject of
by @MSilva95 in #2661 - CON-3020 Update
audit by @nprimo in #2662 - CON-2989 Markdown/Test
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2654 - CON-2986 Test/Markdown
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2653 - CON-3033 Update
subject to be inline with tests by @nprimo in #2668
Full Changelog: v24.15.0-2024.07.16...v24.16.0-2024.07.31
v24.15.0-2024.07.16 π
CON-2727 Markdown: Area Calculator Exercise
CON-2730 Markdown: Factorial Master Exercise
CON-2800 Markdown: Quest00/Ex00
CON-2817 Markdown: Single Linked List Exercise
CON-2820 Markdown: Double Linked List Exercise
CON-2823 Markdown: Circular Linked List Exercise
CON-2827 Markdown: Is Anagram Exercise
CON-2830 Markdown: Harmonious Fusion Exercise
CON-2833 Markdown: Distinct Substring Length Exercise
CON-2839 Markdown: Spiral Matrix Exercise
CON-2860 Markdown: Maximal Square Exercise
CON-2863 Markdown: Steady Sequence Exercise
CON-2869 Markdown: Age Finder
CON-2872 Markdown: Day Of Week
CON-2878 Markdown: Breakdown URL Exercise
CON-2881 Markdown: HTML Validator Exercise
CON-2908 Markdown: Armstrong Number Exercise
CON-2911 Markdown: Perfect Number Exercise
CON-2929 Remove imports from `matrix_ops`
What's Changed
- CON-2817 Markdown Single Linked List Exercise by @zanninso in #2603
- CON-2863 Markdown Steady Sequence Exercise by @zanninso in #2612
- CON-2929 Remove imports from
by @MSilva95 in #2637 - CON-2881 MarkdownΒ HTML Validator Exercise by @zanninso in #2624
- CON-2878 Markdown Breakdown URL Exercise by @zanninso in #2623
- CON-2833 Markdown Distinct Substring LengthΒ Exercise by @zanninso in #2615
- CON-2727 Markdown Area Calculator Exercise by @zanninso in #2601
- CON-2823 Markdown Circular Linked List Exercise by @zanninso in #2604
- CON-2872 Markdown Day Of Week by @zanninso in #2622
- CON-2839 Markdown Spiral Matrix Exercise by @zanninso in #2614
- CON-2800 Markdown
by @Oumaimafisaoui in #2639 - CON-2830 Markdown Harmonious Fusion Exercise by @zanninso in #2616
- CON-2730 Markdown Factorial Master Exercise by @zanninso in #2602
- CON-2860 Markdown Maximal Square Exercise by @zanninso in #2613
- CON-2869 Markdown Age Finder by @zanninso in #2620
- CON-2911 Markdown Perfect Number Exercise by @zanninso in #2629
- CON-2908 Markdown Armstrong Number Exercise by @zanninso in #2630
- CON-2827 Markdown Is Anagram Exercise by @zanninso in #2617
- CON-2820 Markdown Double Linked List Exercise by @zanninso in #2606
New Contributors
- @Oumaimafisaoui made their first contribution in #2639
Full Changelog: v24.14.0-2024.07.04...v24.15.0-2024.07.16
v24.14.0-2024.07.04 π
CON-2866 Clarify `phant0m-writ3r` subject
CON-2913 Update `borrow_me_the_reference` example
CON-2724 Markdown: FlexiSort Exercise
CON-2896 Markdown: Longest Common Prefix Exercise
CON-2899 Markdown: First Unique Exercise
CON-2902 Markdown: Top Frequents Exercise
CON-2915 Adding missing import to the main files.
What's Changed
- CON-2867 Update subject of
by @nprimo in #2619 - CON-2915 Adding missing import to the main files by @zanninso in #2636
- CON-2899 Markdown First Unique Exercise by @zanninso in #2633
- CON-2724 Markdown FlexiSort Exercise by @zanninso in #2600
- CON-2913 Update
subject's example by @nprimo in #2635 - CON-2896 Markdown Longest Common Prefix Exercise by @zanninso in #2634
- CON-2902 Markdown Top Frequents Exercise by @zanninso in #2632
Full Changelog: v24.13.2-2024.06.27...v24.14.0-2024.07.04
v24.13.2-2024.06.27 π
CON-2856 Rename Kahoot project
CON-2501 Add reference for AFPA module
CON-2688 Update checkpoints refs
CON-2855 Fix grammar mistakes in `lines` project
CON-2857 Rename `kahoot` to `kaquiz`
CON-2858 Create a migration to update `kahoot` name in duplicated objects
What's Changed
- CON-2855 Fix grammar mistakes in
project by @nprimo in #2607 - CON-2664 [CHECKPOINT-RESTRUCTURE] Update
to be a function instead of a program by @nprimo in #2578 - CON-2668 [CHECKPOINT-RESTRUCTURE] Update
subject to require a function instead of a program by @nprimo in #2585 - CON-2856 [RENAME-KAHOOT] Rename
by @nprimo in #2618 - CON-2672 [CHECKPOINT-RESTRUCTURE] Update
subject to ask for a function instead of a program by @nprimo in #2587 - CON-2660 [CHECKPOINT-RESTRUCTURE] Update
subject to require a function instead of a program by @nprimo in #2555
Full Changelog: v24.13.0-2024.06.21...v24.13.2-2024.06.27
v24.13.0-2024.06.21 π
First release of 2024 π π₯³ π
- @azakost made their first contribution in #360
- @sakenism made their first contribution in #377
- @anr-m made their first contribution in #433
- @enthusiast17 made their first contribution in #440
- @kuzikov made their first contribution in #514
- @azamatamirzhan made their first contribution in #518
- @baza04 made their first contribution in #530
- @alture made their first contribution in #568
- @Nurzhanuly made their first contribution in #567
- @tomirisamirova made their first contribution in #576
- @thomaslenaour made their first contribution in #655
- @Danonika made their first contribution in #674
- @devstackq made their first contribution in #689
- @abduakhatov made their first contribution in #718
- @rtabulov made their first contribution in #741
- @Maxi-Mega made their first contribution in #768
- @isabekovgg made their first contribution in #769
- @Clemalfroy made their first contribution in #814
- @Gervin1 made their first contribution in #825
- @Pav01Founders made their first contribution in #843
- @nik-don made their first contribution in #885
- @AaEnnDeeErrEeEss made their first contribution in #942
- @Aamsua made their first contribution in #976
- @davidrobert99 made their first contribution in #981
- @EvilgeniuS1982 made their first contribution in #999
- @arpanetus made their first contribution in #1016
- @October45 made their first contribution in #1044
- @KarelVendla made their first contribution in #1101
- @mihkelgering made their first contribution in #1213
- @Hamzaelkhatri made their first contribution in #1201
- @zainabdnaya made their first contribution in #1217
- @eslopfer made their first contribution in #1287
- @rcatini made their first contribution in #1343
- @mikysett made their first contribution in #1372
- @tiagocollot made their first contribution in #1400
- @HarryVasanth made their first contribution in #1499
- @Pashtetium made their first contribution in #1585
- @Dias1c made their first contribution in #1578
- @mohamedLazyBob made their first contribution in #1219
- @jotapero made their first contribution in #1621
- @Xalava made their first contribution in #1668
- @rsmith-github made their first contribution in #1776
- @SilverLuhtoja made their first contribution in #1850
- @zanninso made their first contribution in #1918
- @akhossanX made their first contribution in #2102
- @freeworldwhoo made their first contribution in #2247
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #2269
- @richardscull made their first contribution in #2391
- @FrenchFriesForBallerina made their first contribution in #2197
- @ecce75 made their first contribution in #2211
- @ratsepmikk made their first contribution in #2364
- @blueskiy01 made their first contribution in #2468
- @Exortix made their first contribution in #2509
- @unknownqazaq made their first contribution in #2512
- @quentin-desbin made their first contribution in #2535
Full Changelog: